36,610 questions & answers

How was the term minority defined by different groups?

What were the ideals expressed in the Objectives Resolution?

Discuss the ways in which panchayats and village headmen regulated rural society.

Examine the role played by zamindars in Mughal India.

Discuss, with examples, the significance of monetary transactions during the period under consideration.

How were the lives of forest dwellers transformed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Describe the role played by women in agricultural production.

To what extent do you think caste was a factor in influencing social and economic relations in agrarian society?

Examine the evidence that suggests that land revenue was important for the Mughal fiscal system

What are the problems in using the Ain as a source for reconstructing agrarian history? How do historians deal with this situation?

To what extent is it possible to characterise agricultural production in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries as subsistence agriculture? Give reasons for your answer.

What do private letters and autobiographies tell us about an individual? How are these sources different from official accounts?

Why were the dialogues at the Round Table Conference inconclusive?

In what way did Mahatma Gandhi transform the nature of the national movement?

Why was the charkha chosen as a symbol of nationalism?

How was non-cooperation a form of protest?

Why did the salt laws become an important issue of struggle?

How did Mahatma Gandhi seek to identify with the common people?

Why are newspapers an important source for the study of the national movement?

How was Mahatma Gandhi perceived by the peasants?