36,610 questions & answers

Discuss important steps to represent data with help of a pie-diagram.

What is an Isopleth map ? How an interpolation is carried out?

Which one of the following maps is known as “Dynamic Map”?

(a) Dot map

(b) Choropleth

(c) Isopleth

(d) Flow map

What is a thematic map?

Differentiate between multiple bar diagram and compound bar diagram.

Polygraph is constructed to represent:

(a) Only one variable

(b) Two variables only

(c) More than two variables

(d) None of the above

Which one of the following is best suited to represent the decadal growth of population?

(a) Line graph

(b) Bar diagram

(c) Circle diagram

(d) Flow diagram

Which one of the following map shows the population distribution:

(a) Choropleth maps

(b) Isopleth maps

(c) Dot maps

(d) Square root maps

What are the advantages of using mode ? (30 words)

Explain relative positions of mean, median and mode in a normal distribution and skewed distribution with the help of diagrams. (125 words)

Comment on the applicability of mean, median and mode (hint: from their merits and demerits). (125 words)

Choose the correct answer from the four alternatives given below:

(i) The measure of central tendency that does not get affected by extreme values:
(a) Mean (b) Mean and Mode (c) Mode (d) Median
(ii) The measure of central tendency always coinciding with the hump of any distribution is:
(a) Median (b) Median and Mode (c) Mean (d) Mode

Define the mean. (30 words)

What is the importance of an index number? Taking an example examine the process of calculating an index number and show the changes.

Enumerate five sources of secondary data.

Discuss the national and international agencies where from secondary data may be collected.

What is the advantage of foot note in a table?

What do you mean by primary sources of data?

An Ogive is a method in which

(a) Simple frequency is measured

(b) Cumulative frequency is measured

(c) Simple frequency is plotted

(d) Cumulative frequency is plotted

If both ends of a group are taken in frequency grouping, it is called

(a) Exclusive Method

(b) Inclusive Method

(c) Marking Method

(d) Statistical Method